Rich is a talent with a full head of steam, and he possesses that quality I admire most in any novelist—a mind for details that is equal parts percipient and original . . . His authorial vision is both a delight and a terror to behold.
”Maxwell George, Oxford American
on King Zeno by Nathaniel Rich

Maria Dahvana Headley writes with crackling headlong sentences that range among old plots and news observations about a world that earlier today seemed too familiar. Master story teller, brilliant stylist, a writer with this sort of command of language is a delight to read. Here's a book to call up an old story in the newest possible way.
”Samuel R. Delany on 西风vpn好用下载 by Maria Dahvana Headley

Kristi Coulter charts the raw, unvarnished, and quietly riveting terrain of new sobriety with wit and warmth. Nothing Good Can Come from This is a book about generative discomfort, surprising sources of beauty, and the odd, often hilarious, business of being human.
”Leslie Jamison on Nothing Good Can Come From This by Kristi Coulter